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Achenes morphology in taxa from Potenrilla L., i.e. P. intermedia L. non Wahlenb. and P. subarenaria Borbás ex Zimmeter was examined with stereoscope and scanning electron microscopy. Achenes of these taxa varied in shape, size, colour, the surface sculpture and in the dimensions of dorsal ridge and ribs. SEM analysed allowed to distinguish two distinct morphological types of achenes. Type I – with ruminate-reticulate sculpture due to well preserved epidermal cells in P. subarenaria. Type II – with tuberculate sculpture in P. intermedia. The main taxonomic features of this two taxa are: the microstructure, size, shape and colour of achenes. A general description of the achenes of Potentilla is given together with a description of those of the particular species.

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How to Cite
Kołodziejek, J., Cieslikowski, T., & Sakowicz, T. (2010). Multilocus genomic associations among selected taxa of genus Potentilla (Rosaceae) in Poland using RAPD analysis. Acta Botanica Croatica, 69(1). Retrieved from