Main Article Content
Our phytosociological study in Montenegro (Ćemovsko polje) deals with the syntaxonomy of arid grasslands in the Adriatic region and, in particular, different interpretations of plant communities dominated by Asphodelus ramosus. The main aims of this study were to contribute to knowledge of the composition of dry grasslands dominated by Asphodelus ramosus in Montenegro and to compare instances of Asphodelus ramosus dominated vegetation along the Adriatic. Our vegetation dataset included 82 phytosociological relevés: 17 from our recent field work and 72 relevés of South European Asphodelus ramosus communities. Ordination analysis (NMDS) was used for comparison of Asphodelus ramosus dominated communities in the Adriatic region. The Asphodelus ramosus community from Montenegro was classified into Bromo erecti-Chrysopogonetum grylli. The analysis revealed two distinct vegetation groups: grassland communities of the vegetation class Festuco-Brometea from Montenegro, Croatia and Albania, and edge vegetation of the new class Charybdido pancratii-Asphodeletea ramosi from Italy. Comparison with similar vegetation types shows high similarity with associations on the eastern Adriatic coast, where they are treated as grassland communities belonging to the alliance Chrysopogono grylli-Koelerion splendentis, order Scorzoneretalia villosae, class Festuco-Brometea.
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- Aćić, S., Šilc, U., Petrović, M., Tomović, G., Dajić Stevanović Z., 2015: Classification, ecology and biodiversity of Central Balkan dry grasslands. Tuexenia 35, 329–353.
- Allegrezza, M., Biondi, E., Ballelli, S., Tesei, G., Ottaviani, C., 2015: The edge communities of Asphodelus macrocarpus subsp. macrocarpus: the different ecological aspects and a new case study in the central Apennines. Plant Sociology 52, 19–40.
- Apostolova, I. Dengler, J., Di Pietro R., Gavilán, R.G., Tsiripidis, I., 2014: Dry grasslands of Southern Europe: syntaxonomy, management and conservation. Hacquetia 1, 5–18.
- Biondi, E., Blasi, C., Allegrezza, M., Anzellotti, I., Azzella, M. M., Carli, E., Casavecchia, S., Copiz, R., Del Vico, E., Facioni, L., Galdenzi, D., Gasparri, R., Lasen, C., Pesaresi, S., Poldini, L., Sburlino, G., Taffetani, F., Vagge, I., Zitti, S., Zivkovic, L., 2014: Plant communities of Italy: The Vegetation Prodrome. Plant Biosystems 148, 728–814.
- Biondi, E., Pesaresi S., Gaspari, R., Biscotti, N., del Viscio, G., Bonsanto, D., Casavecchia, S., 2017: New contribution to the class Charybdido pancratii-Asphodeletea ramosi Biondi 2016. Plant Sociology 54, 137–144.
- Biondi, E., Pesaresi, S., Galdenzi, D., Gaspari, R., Biscotti, N., del Viscio, G., Casavecchia, S., 2016: Post-abandonment dynamic on Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean perenial grasslands: the edge vegetation of the new class Charybdido pancratii-Asphodeletea ramosi. Plant Sociology 53, 3–18.
- Biurrun, I., Willner, W., 2020: First Report of the European Vegetation Classification Committee. Vegetation Classification and Survey 1, 145–147.
- Blečić, V., Lakušić, R., 1976: List of plant communities of Montenegro. Glasnik Republičkog Zavoda za Zaštitu Prirode i Prirodnjačkog Muzeja u Titogradu 9, 57–98 (in Montenegrin).
- Bohn, U., Neuhäusl, R., unter Mitarbeit von Gollub, G., Hettwer, C., Neuhäuslová, Z., Schlüter, H., Weber, H. 2000-2003: Karte dernatürlichen Vegetation Europas, Maßstab 1:2.500.000. Landwirtschaftsverlag, Münster.
- Braun-Blanquet, J., 1964: Pflanzensoziologie. Grundzüge der Vegetationskunde. Springer Verlag, Wien.
- Burić, D., Micev, S., 2008: Köppen climate classification in Montenegro shown in Walter climate diagram. Hidrometeorološki zavod Crne Gore, Podgorica (in Montenegrin).
- Burić, M., Fuštić, B., Bulajić, P., 2017: Land atlas of Montenegro. Crnogorska Akademija Nauka i Umjetnosti 3, 7–153 (in Montenegrin).
- Černjavski, P., Grebenščikov, O., Pavlović, Z., 1949: On vegetation and flora of the Skadar lake area. Glasnik Prirodnjačkog Muzeja Srpske zemlje, Beograd 1/2, 5–9 (in Montenegrin).
- Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora, 1992.
- Diaz-Lifante, Z., Valdés, B., 1996: Revisión del género Asphodelus (Asphodelaceae) en el Mediterraneo occidental. Boissiera 52, 11-189.
- Euro+Med, 2006: Euro+Med PlantBase – the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity. Retreived July 22, 2019 from
- Fanelli, G., De Sanctis, M., Gjeta, E., Mullaj, A., Attore, F., 2015: The vegetation of the Buna river protected landscape (Albania). Hacquetia 14, 129–174.
- Griffiths, H.I., Kryštofek, B., Reed, J.M. (eds.), 2004: Balkan biodiversity – pattern and process in the European hotspot. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
- Hadžiablahović, S., 2010: The vascular flora of Ćemovsko polje. Natura Montenegrina 9, 7–143 (in Montenegrin).
- Hadžiablahović, S., 2018: The diversity of the flora and vegetation of Lake Skadar/Shkodra. In: Pešić, V., Karaman, G., Kostianoy, A. (eds), The Skadar/Shkodra Lake environment. The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, 203–238. Springer, Cham 80, Switzerland.
- Hećimović, S., 1984: Vegetation der Inseln Bobara und Mrkan. Acta Botanica Croatica 43, 109–118.
- Hennekens, S., Schaminée, J., 2001: TURBOVEG, a comprehensive data base management system for vegetation data. Journal of Vegetation Science 12, 589–591.
- Horvat, I., Glavač, V., Ellenberg, H., 1974: Vegetation Sudosteuropas. Geobotanica selecta, Band 4. Gustav Fischer Verlag. Stuttgart.
- Horvatić, S., 1934: Flora and vegetation of island Pag. Prirodoslovna istraživanja 19, 116–372 (in Croatian).
- Horvatić, S., 1939: An overview of the vegetation of the island of Rab from aspect of plant sociology. Prirodoslovna Istraživanja Jugoslavenske Akademije 22, 1–96 (in Croatian).
- Horvatić, S., 1963: Vegetation map of the island of Pag, with a review of the vegetation units of the coast of Croatia. Acta Biologica (Zagreb) 4, 3–187 (in Croatian).
- Janssen, J.A.M., Rodwell, J.S., García Criado, M., Gubbay, S., Haynes, T., Nieto, A., Sanders, N., Landucci, F., Loidi, J., Ssymank, A., Tahvanainen, T., Valderrabano, M., Acosta, A., Aronsson, M., Arts, G., Attorre, F., Bergmeier, E., Bijlsma, R.-J., Bioret, F., Biţă-Nicolae, C., Biurrun, I., Calix, M., Capelo, J., Čarni, A., Chytrý, M., Dengler, J., Dimopoulos, P., Essl, F., Gardfjell, H., Gigante, D., Giusso del Galdo, G., Hájek, M., Jansen, F., Jansen, J., Kapfer, J., Mickolajczak, A., Molina, J.A., Molnár, Z., Paternoster, D., Piernik, A., Poulin, B., Renaux, B., Schaminée, J.H.J., Šumberová, K., Toivonen, H., Tonteri, T., Tsiripidis, I., Tzonev, R., Valachovič, M, 2016: European Red List of Habitats. Part 2. Terrestrial and freshwater habitats. European Commission, Brussels, 1–40.
- Jasprica, N., Milović, M., Kovačić, S., Stanković, V., 2016: Phytocoenotic diversity of the NE-Adriatic island of Olib. Plant Sociology 53, 55–81.
- Jasprica, N., Ruščić, M., 2013: Flora and vegetation of islet Supetar (Cavtat, South Croatia). Hrvatska misao 46, 111–134 (in Croatian).
- Jovanović, B., Lakušić, R., Rizovski, R, Trinajstić, I., Zupančič, M., 1986: Prodromus Phytocoenosum Jugoslaviae: ad mappam vegetationis m 1:200 000. Naučno vijeće vegetacijske karte Jugoslavije, Bribir-Ilok, HR (in Croatian).
- Kruskal, J.B., 1964: Multidimensional scaling by optimizing goodness of fit to a nonmetric hypothesis. Psychometrika 29, 1–27.
- Matevski, V., Čarni, A., Ćušterevska, R., Kostadinovski, M., Mucina, L., 2018: Syntaxonomy and biogeography of dry grasslands on calcareous substrates in the central and southern Balkans. Applied Vegetation Science 21, 488–513.
- Mucina, L., Bültman, H., Dierssen, K., Theurillat, J.-P., Dengler, J., Čarni, A., Šumberová, K., Raus, T., Di Pietro, R., Gavilán Garcia, R., Chytrý, M., Iakushenko, D., Schaminée, J.H.J., Bergmeier, E., Santos Guerra, A., Daniëls, F.J.A., Ermakov, N., Valachoviĉ, M., Pigantti, S., Rodwell, J.S., Pallas, J., Capelo, J., Weber, H.E., Lysenko, T., Solomeshch, A., Dimopoulos, P., Aguiar, C., Freitag, H., Hennekens, S.M., Tichý, L., 2016: Vegetation of Europe: Hierarchical floristic classification system of plant, lichen, and algal communities. Applied Vegetation Science 19, 3–264.
- Oksanen, J., Blanchet, F. G., Kindt, R., Legendre, P., Minchin, P. R., O'Hara, R. B., Simpson, G. L., Solymos, P., Stevens, M. H. H., Wagner, H., 2017: Vegan: community ecology package. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna. Retrieved from
- Petrović, D., Hadžiablahović, S., Vuksanović, S., Mačić, V., Milanović, Đ., Lakušić, D., 2019: Catalogue of habitat types of Monenegro important for European Union. Regional Environmental Center Montenegro, Podgorica-Banja Luka-Beograd (in Montenegrin).
- Pignatti, S., Menegoni, P., Pietrosanti, S., 2005: Biondicazione attraverso le piante vascolari. Valori di indi-cazione secondo Ellenberg (Zeigerwerte) per le specie della Flora d’Italia. Braun-Blanquetia 39, 1–97.
- Pulević, V., Bulić, Z., 2012: Bibliography on Flora and Vegetation of Montenegro (the third addition). Republički zavod za zaštitu prirode. Special edition. Podgorica. 1-150 (in Montenegrin).
- Radojičić, B., 2015: Montenegro – Geographical encyclopedic lexicon. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Nikšić (in Montenegrin).
- Šegulja, N., 1969: A contribution to the knowledge of rocky vegetation in Istria. Acta Botanica Croatica 28, 367–371 (in Croatian).
- Šegulja, N., 1970: Vegetation of the northeastern part of the Labinština in Istria. Acta Botanica Croatica 29, 157–172 (in Croatian).
- Stešević, D., Caković, D., Jovanović, S., 2014: The urban flora of Podgorica (Montenegro, SE Europe): Annotated checklist, distribution atlas, habitats and life-forms, taxonomic, phytogeographical and ecological analysis. Ecologica Montenegrina 4–167 (in Montenegrin).
- Terzi, M., 2011: Nomenclatural revision for the order Scorzonero-Chrysopogonetalia. Folia Geobotanica 46, 411–444.
- Terzi, M., 2015: Numerical analysis of the order Scorzoneretalia villosae. Phytocoenologia 45, 11–32.
- Tesei, G., D’Ottavio, P., Toderi, Ottaviani, C., Pesaresi, S., Francioni, M., Trozzo L., Allegrezza, M., 2020: Restoration strategies for grasslands colonized by Asphodel‐dominant communities. Grassland Science 66, 54–63.
- Theurillat, J‐P., Willner, W., Fernández‐González, F., Bültmann, H., Čarni, A., Gigante, D., Mucina, L. Weber, H., 2021: International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature. 4th edition. Applied Vegetation Science 24, e12491.
- Tichý, L., 2002: JUICE, software for vegetation classification. Journal of Vegetation Science 13, 451–453.
- Valkó, O., Venn, S., Zmihorski, M., Biurrun, I., Labadessa, R., Loos, J., 2018: The challenge of abandonment for the sustainable management of Palaearctic natural and semi-natural grasslands. Hacquetia 17, 5–16.
Aćić, S., Šilc, U., Petrović, M., Tomović, G., Dajić Stevanović Z., 2015: Classification, ecology and biodiversity of Central Balkan dry grasslands. Tuexenia 35, 329–353.
Allegrezza, M., Biondi, E., Ballelli, S., Tesei, G., Ottaviani, C., 2015: The edge communities of Asphodelus macrocarpus subsp. macrocarpus: the different ecological aspects and a new case study in the central Apennines. Plant Sociology 52, 19–40.
Apostolova, I. Dengler, J., Di Pietro R., Gavilán, R.G., Tsiripidis, I., 2014: Dry grasslands of Southern Europe: syntaxonomy, management and conservation. Hacquetia 1, 5–18.
Biondi, E., Blasi, C., Allegrezza, M., Anzellotti, I., Azzella, M. M., Carli, E., Casavecchia, S., Copiz, R., Del Vico, E., Facioni, L., Galdenzi, D., Gasparri, R., Lasen, C., Pesaresi, S., Poldini, L., Sburlino, G., Taffetani, F., Vagge, I., Zitti, S., Zivkovic, L., 2014: Plant communities of Italy: The Vegetation Prodrome. Plant Biosystems 148, 728–814.
Biondi, E., Pesaresi S., Gaspari, R., Biscotti, N., del Viscio, G., Bonsanto, D., Casavecchia, S., 2017: New contribution to the class Charybdido pancratii-Asphodeletea ramosi Biondi 2016. Plant Sociology 54, 137–144.
Biondi, E., Pesaresi, S., Galdenzi, D., Gaspari, R., Biscotti, N., del Viscio, G., Casavecchia, S., 2016: Post-abandonment dynamic on Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean perenial grasslands: the edge vegetation of the new class Charybdido pancratii-Asphodeletea ramosi. Plant Sociology 53, 3–18.
Biurrun, I., Willner, W., 2020: First Report of the European Vegetation Classification Committee. Vegetation Classification and Survey 1, 145–147.
Blečić, V., Lakušić, R., 1976: List of plant communities of Montenegro. Glasnik Republičkog Zavoda za Zaštitu Prirode i Prirodnjačkog Muzeja u Titogradu 9, 57–98 (in Montenegrin).
Bohn, U., Neuhäusl, R., unter Mitarbeit von Gollub, G., Hettwer, C., Neuhäuslová, Z., Schlüter, H., Weber, H. 2000-2003: Karte dernatürlichen Vegetation Europas, Maßstab 1:2.500.000. Landwirtschaftsverlag, Münster.
Braun-Blanquet, J., 1964: Pflanzensoziologie. Grundzüge der Vegetationskunde. Springer Verlag, Wien.
Burić, D., Micev, S., 2008: Köppen climate classification in Montenegro shown in Walter climate diagram. Hidrometeorološki zavod Crne Gore, Podgorica (in Montenegrin).
Burić, M., Fuštić, B., Bulajić, P., 2017: Land atlas of Montenegro. Crnogorska Akademija Nauka i Umjetnosti 3, 7–153 (in Montenegrin).
Černjavski, P., Grebenščikov, O., Pavlović, Z., 1949: On vegetation and flora of the Skadar lake area. Glasnik Prirodnjačkog Muzeja Srpske zemlje, Beograd 1/2, 5–9 (in Montenegrin).
Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora, 1992.
Diaz-Lifante, Z., Valdés, B., 1996: Revisión del género Asphodelus (Asphodelaceae) en el Mediterraneo occidental. Boissiera 52, 11-189.
Euro+Med, 2006: Euro+Med PlantBase – the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity. Retreived July 22, 2019 from
Fanelli, G., De Sanctis, M., Gjeta, E., Mullaj, A., Attore, F., 2015: The vegetation of the Buna river protected landscape (Albania). Hacquetia 14, 129–174.
Griffiths, H.I., Kryštofek, B., Reed, J.M. (eds.), 2004: Balkan biodiversity – pattern and process in the European hotspot. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
Hadžiablahović, S., 2010: The vascular flora of Ćemovsko polje. Natura Montenegrina 9, 7–143 (in Montenegrin).
Hadžiablahović, S., 2018: The diversity of the flora and vegetation of Lake Skadar/Shkodra. In: Pešić, V., Karaman, G., Kostianoy, A. (eds), The Skadar/Shkodra Lake environment. The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, 203–238. Springer, Cham 80, Switzerland.
Hećimović, S., 1984: Vegetation der Inseln Bobara und Mrkan. Acta Botanica Croatica 43, 109–118.
Hennekens, S., Schaminée, J., 2001: TURBOVEG, a comprehensive data base management system for vegetation data. Journal of Vegetation Science 12, 589–591.
Horvat, I., Glavač, V., Ellenberg, H., 1974: Vegetation Sudosteuropas. Geobotanica selecta, Band 4. Gustav Fischer Verlag. Stuttgart.
Horvatić, S., 1934: Flora and vegetation of island Pag. Prirodoslovna istraživanja 19, 116–372 (in Croatian).
Horvatić, S., 1939: An overview of the vegetation of the island of Rab from aspect of plant sociology. Prirodoslovna Istraživanja Jugoslavenske Akademije 22, 1–96 (in Croatian).
Horvatić, S., 1963: Vegetation map of the island of Pag, with a review of the vegetation units of the coast of Croatia. Acta Biologica (Zagreb) 4, 3–187 (in Croatian).
Janssen, J.A.M., Rodwell, J.S., García Criado, M., Gubbay, S., Haynes, T., Nieto, A., Sanders, N., Landucci, F., Loidi, J., Ssymank, A., Tahvanainen, T., Valderrabano, M., Acosta, A., Aronsson, M., Arts, G., Attorre, F., Bergmeier, E., Bijlsma, R.-J., Bioret, F., Biţă-Nicolae, C., Biurrun, I., Calix, M., Capelo, J., Čarni, A., Chytrý, M., Dengler, J., Dimopoulos, P., Essl, F., Gardfjell, H., Gigante, D., Giusso del Galdo, G., Hájek, M., Jansen, F., Jansen, J., Kapfer, J., Mickolajczak, A., Molina, J.A., Molnár, Z., Paternoster, D., Piernik, A., Poulin, B., Renaux, B., Schaminée, J.H.J., Šumberová, K., Toivonen, H., Tonteri, T., Tsiripidis, I., Tzonev, R., Valachovič, M, 2016: European Red List of Habitats. Part 2. Terrestrial and freshwater habitats. European Commission, Brussels, 1–40.
Jasprica, N., Milović, M., Kovačić, S., Stanković, V., 2016: Phytocoenotic diversity of the NE-Adriatic island of Olib. Plant Sociology 53, 55–81.
Jasprica, N., Ruščić, M., 2013: Flora and vegetation of islet Supetar (Cavtat, South Croatia). Hrvatska misao 46, 111–134 (in Croatian).
Jovanović, B., Lakušić, R., Rizovski, R, Trinajstić, I., Zupančič, M., 1986: Prodromus Phytocoenosum Jugoslaviae: ad mappam vegetationis m 1:200 000. Naučno vijeće vegetacijske karte Jugoslavije, Bribir-Ilok, HR (in Croatian).
Kruskal, J.B., 1964: Multidimensional scaling by optimizing goodness of fit to a nonmetric hypothesis. Psychometrika 29, 1–27.
Matevski, V., Čarni, A., Ćušterevska, R., Kostadinovski, M., Mucina, L., 2018: Syntaxonomy and biogeography of dry grasslands on calcareous substrates in the central and southern Balkans. Applied Vegetation Science 21, 488–513.
Mucina, L., Bültman, H., Dierssen, K., Theurillat, J.-P., Dengler, J., Čarni, A., Šumberová, K., Raus, T., Di Pietro, R., Gavilán Garcia, R., Chytrý, M., Iakushenko, D., Schaminée, J.H.J., Bergmeier, E., Santos Guerra, A., Daniëls, F.J.A., Ermakov, N., Valachoviĉ, M., Pigantti, S., Rodwell, J.S., Pallas, J., Capelo, J., Weber, H.E., Lysenko, T., Solomeshch, A., Dimopoulos, P., Aguiar, C., Freitag, H., Hennekens, S.M., Tichý, L., 2016: Vegetation of Europe: Hierarchical floristic classification system of plant, lichen, and algal communities. Applied Vegetation Science 19, 3–264.
Oksanen, J., Blanchet, F. G., Kindt, R., Legendre, P., Minchin, P. R., O'Hara, R. B., Simpson, G. L., Solymos, P., Stevens, M. H. H., Wagner, H., 2017: Vegan: community ecology package. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna. Retrieved from
Petrović, D., Hadžiablahović, S., Vuksanović, S., Mačić, V., Milanović, Đ., Lakušić, D., 2019: Catalogue of habitat types of Monenegro important for European Union. Regional Environmental Center Montenegro, Podgorica-Banja Luka-Beograd (in Montenegrin).
Pignatti, S., Menegoni, P., Pietrosanti, S., 2005: Biondicazione attraverso le piante vascolari. Valori di indi-cazione secondo Ellenberg (Zeigerwerte) per le specie della Flora d’Italia. Braun-Blanquetia 39, 1–97.
Pulević, V., Bulić, Z., 2012: Bibliography on Flora and Vegetation of Montenegro (the third addition). Republički zavod za zaštitu prirode. Special edition. Podgorica. 1-150 (in Montenegrin).
Radojičić, B., 2015: Montenegro – Geographical encyclopedic lexicon. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Nikšić (in Montenegrin).
Šegulja, N., 1969: A contribution to the knowledge of rocky vegetation in Istria. Acta Botanica Croatica 28, 367–371 (in Croatian).
Šegulja, N., 1970: Vegetation of the northeastern part of the Labinština in Istria. Acta Botanica Croatica 29, 157–172 (in Croatian).
Stešević, D., Caković, D., Jovanović, S., 2014: The urban flora of Podgorica (Montenegro, SE Europe): Annotated checklist, distribution atlas, habitats and life-forms, taxonomic, phytogeographical and ecological analysis. Ecologica Montenegrina 4–167 (in Montenegrin).
Terzi, M., 2011: Nomenclatural revision for the order Scorzonero-Chrysopogonetalia. Folia Geobotanica 46, 411–444.
Terzi, M., 2015: Numerical analysis of the order Scorzoneretalia villosae. Phytocoenologia 45, 11–32.
Tesei, G., D’Ottavio, P., Toderi, Ottaviani, C., Pesaresi, S., Francioni, M., Trozzo L., Allegrezza, M., 2020: Restoration strategies for grasslands colonized by Asphodel‐dominant communities. Grassland Science 66, 54–63.
Theurillat, J‐P., Willner, W., Fernández‐González, F., Bültmann, H., Čarni, A., Gigante, D., Mucina, L. Weber, H., 2021: International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature. 4th edition. Applied Vegetation Science 24, e12491.
Tichý, L., 2002: JUICE, software for vegetation classification. Journal of Vegetation Science 13, 451–453.
Valkó, O., Venn, S., Zmihorski, M., Biurrun, I., Labadessa, R., Loos, J., 2018: The challenge of abandonment for the sustainable management of Palaearctic natural and semi-natural grasslands. Hacquetia 17, 5–16.