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In this study, the epiphytic bryophyte succession of the Buxus sempervirens L. forests in Fırtına Valley (Çamlıhemşin-Rize, North Türkiye), one of the nine biodiversity hotspots in Türkiye, was investigated. For this purpose, a total of 60 sampling plots were taken from the live trunks of B. sempervirens trees of different ages. Twenty-nine epiphytic bryophyte species were determined (24 mosses and 5 liverworts) within the sample plots. Also, six different life form types and four different habitat affinity categories were determined. Among them, the mat type life form is in first place with 34.4% and the cortico-saxicolous species are the most common with 51.7%. Two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) classified the epiphytic bryophyte communities on B. sempervirens trunks at the second level into two main clusters (A and B) and three sub-clusters (A1, B1 and, B2). Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) axis 1 was interpreted as gradient along the height of the epiphytic habitat (from the lower base to the upper zone) on trunks and the DCA axis 2 was interpreted as gradient of moisture. Exsertotheca crispa (Hedw.) S. Olsson, Enroth & D. Quandt was the species with the highest index of ecological significance (IES) value on the lower bases of the aged trees. Species diversity and epiphytic cover in the upper zones were lower than in the basal and middle zones in the study area. While Metzgeria furcata, Oxyrrhynchium hians, Plagiothecium nemorale, and Radula lindenbergiana were only found on old trees, Ctenidium molluscum and Pseudoleskeella nervosa were only found on middle-aged trees.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Tülay EZER, Mevlüt ALATAŞ, Nevzat BATAN, HÜSEYİN ERATA

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- Abay, G., Uyar, G., Çetin, B., Keçeli, T., 2006: The moss flora of the communities of Buxus sempervirens L. in Fırtına Valley (Çamlihemşin, Rize). Süleyman Demirel University Journal of the Faculty of Forestry A (2), 37–49 (in Turkish).
- Akman, Y. 2011: Climate and Bioclimate (Bioclimate methods and Climates of Turkey). Palme Publishing, Ankara (in Turkish).
- Alataş, M., Batan, N., Ezer, T., Uyar, G., 2017: The epiphytic bryophyte flora and vegetation of Boraboy and Destek For- ests (Amasya, Turkey). Pakistan Journal of Botany 49, 1779– 1786.
- Alataş, M., 2018: Checklist of Turkish bryophyte vegetation. Bo- tanica Serbica 42, 173–179.
- Alataş, M., Batan, N., Ezer, T., Özdemir, T., Erata H. 2021: Epi- phytic bryophyte communities of forests dominated by Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertner in Altindere Valley National Park (Trabzon, Turkey). Cryptogamie, Bryologie 42, 155– 167.
- Albertos, B., Garilleti, R., Draper, I., Lara, F., Mazimpaka, V., 2001: Index of ecological significance (IES), a useful tool for the estimate of relative abundance of bryophyte populations. Novitates botanicae Universitatis Carolinae 15, 69–76.
- Anşin, R., 1983: The flora regions of Turkey and primary vegeta- tion types expanding over these regions. Karadeniz Techni- cal University Faculty of Foresty Journal 6, 318–339 (in Turkish).
- Baldwin, L.K., Bradfield, G.E. 2005: Bryophyte community dif- ferences between edge and interior environments in temper- ate rain-forest fragments of coastal British Columbia. Cana- dian Journal of Forest Research 35, 580–592.
- Bargali, R., Awasthi, V., Pande, N., 2014: Ecological study of bryophytes on Platanus orientalis L. trees in Nainital (West- ern Himalaya). American Journal of Plant Sciences 5, 3880– 3888.
- Bayrakdar, C., 2006: Applied Geomorphology Study of the Fırtına Stream Basin. Istanbul University, Istanbul Univer- sity Institute of Social Sciences, MSc Thesis (in Turkish).
- Can Gözcü, M., Uyar, G., Alataş, M., Ezer, T., Ören, M., 2018: Epiphytic bryophyte vegetation of the Samanlı Mountains (Sakarya-Kocaeli-Yalova-Bursa) in Northwest Turkey. Bo- tanica Serbica 42, 157–171.
- Çiner, A., 2003: Current glaciers of Turkey and Late Quaternary glacial sediments. Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni 46, 35–54 (in Turksih).
- Draper, I., Lara, F., Albertos, B., Garilleti, R., Mazimpaka, V., 2003: The epiphytic bryofora of the Jbel Bouhalla (Rif, Morocco), including a new variety of moss, Orthotrichum speciosum var. brevisetum. Journal of Bryology 25, 271-280.
- Ezer, T., Kara, R., 2013: Succession of epiphytic bryophytes in Cedrus libani forest on the Meydan Plateau (Aladağ). Turk- ish Journal of Botany 37, 389–397.
- Ezer, T., 2017: Epiphytic bryophyte communities and succession on Platanus orientalis trees in Kadıncık Valley (Mersin/Tur- key). Pakistan Journal of Botany 49, 623–630.
- Ezer, T., Alataş, M., Batan, N., 2019: Successional trends of some epiphytic bryophytes in Mediterranean Basin. Acta Biolog- ica Turcica 32, 181–193.
- Green, T.G.A., Lange, O.L. 1994: Photosynthesis in poikilohy- dric plants: a comparison of lichens and bryophytes. In: Schulze, E.D., Caldwell, M.M. (eds.), Ecophysiology of Pho- tosynthesis, 319–337. Springer, Berlin.
- Henderson, D.M., 1961: Contribution to the bryophyte flora of Turkey: IV. Notes Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh 23, 263–278.
- Hill, M.O., 1979: TWINSPAN - a FORTRAN program for ar- ranging multivariate data in ordered two-way table by classification of the individuals and attributes. Section of Ecol- ogy and Systematics. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
- Hodgetts, N.G., Söderström, L., Blockeel, T.L., Caspari, S., Ignatov, M.S., Konstantinova, N.A., Lockhart, N., Papp, B., Schröck, C., Sim-Sim, M., Bell, D., Bell, N.E., Blom, H.H., Bruggeman-Nannenga, M.A., Brugués, M., Enroth, J., Flatberg, K.I., Garilleti, R., Hedenäs, L., Holyoak, D.T., Hugonnot, V., Kariyawasam, I., Köckinger, H., Kučera, J., Lara, F., Porley, R.D., 2020: An annotated checklist of bryophytes of Europe, Macaronesia and Cyprus. Journal of Bryology 42, 1–116.
- Kurdoğlu, O., Kurdoğlu, B., Eminağaoğlu, Ö., 2004: The impor- tance of Kaçkar Mountains National Park in protection of natural and cultural values and existing environmental problems, Journal of Forestry Research 21, 134–150 (in Turkish).
- Lara, F., Mazimpaka, V., 1998: Succession of epiphytic bryo- phytes in a Quercus pyrenaica forest from the Spanish Cen- tral Range (Iberian Peninsula). Nova Hedwigia 67, 125–138.
- Longton, R.E. 1992: Role of bryophytes and lichens in terres- trial ecosystems. In: Bates, J.W., Farmer, A.M. (eds.), Bryo- phytes and Lichens in a Changing Environment, 32–76. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
- Mägdefrau, K., 1982: Life forms of bryophytes. In: Smith, A.J.E. (ed.), Bryophyte ecology. Chapter 2, 45–58. Springer, Dordrecht.
- Mazimpaka, V., Lara, F., 1995: Corticolous bryophytes of Quercus pyrenaica forests from Gredos Mountains (Spain): vertical distribution and ecological afnity for epiphytic habitats. Nova Hedwigia 61, 431–446.
- Mazimpaka, V., Medina, N.G., Draper, I., Lara, F., 2009: Epi- phytic bryophyte fora in dry environments from the West- ern Mediterranean: The special case of Sierra Alhamilla (Al- meria, South-eastern Spain). Plant Biosystems 143, 113–125.
- Mazimpaka, V., Medina, N.G., Lo Guidice, R., Garilleti, R., Lara F., 2010: Tree age-dependent changes among epiphytic bryophyte communities in Mediterranean environments. A case study from Sicily (Italy). Plant Biosystems 144, 241–249.
- Medina, N.G., Albertos, B., Lara, F., Mazimpaka, V., Garilleti, R., Draper, D., Hortal, J., 2014: Species richness of epiphytic bryophytes: drivers across scales on the edge of the Mediter- ranean. Ecography 37, 80–93.
- Mellado-Mansilla, D., León, C.A., Ortega-Solís, G., Godoy- Güinao, J., Moreno, R., Díaz, I.A., 2017: Vertical patterns of epiphytic bryophyte diversity in a montane Nothofagus for- est in the Chilean Andes. New Zealand Journal of Botany 55, 514–529.
- Mishler, B.D., 2003: The biology of bryophytes, with special ref- erence to water. Fremontia 31, 34–38.
- Moe, B., Botnen, A., 2000: Epiphytic vegetation on pollarded trunks of Fraxinus excelsior in four different habitats at Grinde, Leikanger, western Norway. Plant Ecology 151, 143– 159.
- Myers, N., Mittermeier, R.A., Mittermeier, C.G., da Fonseca, G.A., Kent, J., 2000: Biodiversity hotspots for conservation priorities. Nature 403, 853–858.
- Ódor, P., Király, I., Tinya, F., Bortignon, F., Nascimbene, J., 2013: Patterns and drivers of species composition of epiphytic bryophytes and lichens in managed temperate forests. For- est Ecology and Management 306, 256–265.
- Özçağlar, A., Özgür, E.M., Somuncu, M., Bayar, R., Yılmaz, M., Yüceşahin, M.M., Yavan, N., Akpinar, N., Karadeniz, N., 2006: Land use decisions developed based on natural and human resources determination in Çamlıhemşin District. Coğrafi Bilimler Dergisi 4, 1–27 (in Turkish).
- Ros, R.M., Mazimpaka, V., Abou-Salama, U., Alefi, M., Blockeel, T.L., Brugués, M., Cros, R.M., Dia, M.G., Dirkse, G.M., Draper, I., El-Saadawi, W., Erda, A., Ganeva, A., Gabriel, R., González-Mancebo, J.M., Granger, C., Herrnstadt, I., Hu- gonnot, V., Khalil, K., Kürschner, H., Losada-Lima, A., Luís, L., Mifsud, S., Privitera, M., Puglisi, M., Sabovljević, M., Sér- gio, C., Shabbara, H. M., Sim-Sim, M., Sotiaux, A., Tacchi, R., Vanderpoorten, A., Werner, O., 2013: Mosses of the Med- iterranean, an annotated checklist. Cryptogamie Bryologie 34, 99–283.
- Satar, İ., Güneş, G., 2014: Turkey’s biodiversity hotspots. Tabiat ve İnsan 48, 22–34 (in Turkish).
- Seaby, R., Henderson, P., 2007: Community Analysis Package 4.0: searching for structure in community data. PISCES Conservation Ltd., Lymington, UK.
- Schofield, W.B., 2001: Introduction to Bryology. The Blackburn Press, New Jersey.
- Tunçel, H., 1990: Avalanches as a natural environmental prob- lem and avalanche events in Turkey. Atatürk Culture, Language and History High Institution, Geography Science and Practice Branch. Coğrafya Araştırmaları Dergisi 1, 43–70 (in Turkish).
Abay, G., Uyar, G., Çetin, B., Keçeli, T., 2006: The moss flora of the communities of Buxus sempervirens L. in Fırtına Valley (Çamlihemşin, Rize). Süleyman Demirel University Journal of the Faculty of Forestry A (2), 37–49 (in Turkish).
Akman, Y. 2011: Climate and Bioclimate (Bioclimate methods and Climates of Turkey). Palme Publishing, Ankara (in Turkish).
Alataş, M., Batan, N., Ezer, T., Uyar, G., 2017: The epiphytic bryophyte flora and vegetation of Boraboy and Destek For- ests (Amasya, Turkey). Pakistan Journal of Botany 49, 1779– 1786.
Alataş, M., 2018: Checklist of Turkish bryophyte vegetation. Bo- tanica Serbica 42, 173–179.
Alataş, M., Batan, N., Ezer, T., Özdemir, T., Erata H. 2021: Epi- phytic bryophyte communities of forests dominated by Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertner in Altindere Valley National Park (Trabzon, Turkey). Cryptogamie, Bryologie 42, 155– 167.
Albertos, B., Garilleti, R., Draper, I., Lara, F., Mazimpaka, V., 2001: Index of ecological significance (IES), a useful tool for the estimate of relative abundance of bryophyte populations. Novitates botanicae Universitatis Carolinae 15, 69–76.
Anşin, R., 1983: The flora regions of Turkey and primary vegeta- tion types expanding over these regions. Karadeniz Techni- cal University Faculty of Foresty Journal 6, 318–339 (in Turkish).
Baldwin, L.K., Bradfield, G.E. 2005: Bryophyte community dif- ferences between edge and interior environments in temper- ate rain-forest fragments of coastal British Columbia. Cana- dian Journal of Forest Research 35, 580–592.
Bargali, R., Awasthi, V., Pande, N., 2014: Ecological study of bryophytes on Platanus orientalis L. trees in Nainital (West- ern Himalaya). American Journal of Plant Sciences 5, 3880– 3888.
Bayrakdar, C., 2006: Applied Geomorphology Study of the Fırtına Stream Basin. Istanbul University, Istanbul Univer- sity Institute of Social Sciences, MSc Thesis (in Turkish).
Can Gözcü, M., Uyar, G., Alataş, M., Ezer, T., Ören, M., 2018: Epiphytic bryophyte vegetation of the Samanlı Mountains (Sakarya-Kocaeli-Yalova-Bursa) in Northwest Turkey. Bo- tanica Serbica 42, 157–171.
Çiner, A., 2003: Current glaciers of Turkey and Late Quaternary glacial sediments. Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni 46, 35–54 (in Turksih).
Draper, I., Lara, F., Albertos, B., Garilleti, R., Mazimpaka, V., 2003: The epiphytic bryofora of the Jbel Bouhalla (Rif, Morocco), including a new variety of moss, Orthotrichum speciosum var. brevisetum. Journal of Bryology 25, 271-280.
Ezer, T., Kara, R., 2013: Succession of epiphytic bryophytes in Cedrus libani forest on the Meydan Plateau (Aladağ). Turk- ish Journal of Botany 37, 389–397.
Ezer, T., 2017: Epiphytic bryophyte communities and succession on Platanus orientalis trees in Kadıncık Valley (Mersin/Tur- key). Pakistan Journal of Botany 49, 623–630.
Ezer, T., Alataş, M., Batan, N., 2019: Successional trends of some epiphytic bryophytes in Mediterranean Basin. Acta Biolog- ica Turcica 32, 181–193.
Green, T.G.A., Lange, O.L. 1994: Photosynthesis in poikilohy- dric plants: a comparison of lichens and bryophytes. In: Schulze, E.D., Caldwell, M.M. (eds.), Ecophysiology of Pho- tosynthesis, 319–337. Springer, Berlin.
Henderson, D.M., 1961: Contribution to the bryophyte flora of Turkey: IV. Notes Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh 23, 263–278.
Hill, M.O., 1979: TWINSPAN - a FORTRAN program for ar- ranging multivariate data in ordered two-way table by classification of the individuals and attributes. Section of Ecol- ogy and Systematics. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
Hodgetts, N.G., Söderström, L., Blockeel, T.L., Caspari, S., Ignatov, M.S., Konstantinova, N.A., Lockhart, N., Papp, B., Schröck, C., Sim-Sim, M., Bell, D., Bell, N.E., Blom, H.H., Bruggeman-Nannenga, M.A., Brugués, M., Enroth, J., Flatberg, K.I., Garilleti, R., Hedenäs, L., Holyoak, D.T., Hugonnot, V., Kariyawasam, I., Köckinger, H., Kučera, J., Lara, F., Porley, R.D., 2020: An annotated checklist of bryophytes of Europe, Macaronesia and Cyprus. Journal of Bryology 42, 1–116.
Kurdoğlu, O., Kurdoğlu, B., Eminağaoğlu, Ö., 2004: The impor- tance of Kaçkar Mountains National Park in protection of natural and cultural values and existing environmental problems, Journal of Forestry Research 21, 134–150 (in Turkish).
Lara, F., Mazimpaka, V., 1998: Succession of epiphytic bryo- phytes in a Quercus pyrenaica forest from the Spanish Cen- tral Range (Iberian Peninsula). Nova Hedwigia 67, 125–138.
Longton, R.E. 1992: Role of bryophytes and lichens in terres- trial ecosystems. In: Bates, J.W., Farmer, A.M. (eds.), Bryo- phytes and Lichens in a Changing Environment, 32–76. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Mägdefrau, K., 1982: Life forms of bryophytes. In: Smith, A.J.E. (ed.), Bryophyte ecology. Chapter 2, 45–58. Springer, Dordrecht.
Mazimpaka, V., Lara, F., 1995: Corticolous bryophytes of Quercus pyrenaica forests from Gredos Mountains (Spain): vertical distribution and ecological afnity for epiphytic habitats. Nova Hedwigia 61, 431–446.
Mazimpaka, V., Medina, N.G., Draper, I., Lara, F., 2009: Epi- phytic bryophyte fora in dry environments from the West- ern Mediterranean: The special case of Sierra Alhamilla (Al- meria, South-eastern Spain). Plant Biosystems 143, 113–125.
Mazimpaka, V., Medina, N.G., Lo Guidice, R., Garilleti, R., Lara F., 2010: Tree age-dependent changes among epiphytic bryophyte communities in Mediterranean environments. A case study from Sicily (Italy). Plant Biosystems 144, 241–249.
Medina, N.G., Albertos, B., Lara, F., Mazimpaka, V., Garilleti, R., Draper, D., Hortal, J., 2014: Species richness of epiphytic bryophytes: drivers across scales on the edge of the Mediter- ranean. Ecography 37, 80–93.
Mellado-Mansilla, D., León, C.A., Ortega-Solís, G., Godoy- Güinao, J., Moreno, R., Díaz, I.A., 2017: Vertical patterns of epiphytic bryophyte diversity in a montane Nothofagus for- est in the Chilean Andes. New Zealand Journal of Botany 55, 514–529.
Mishler, B.D., 2003: The biology of bryophytes, with special ref- erence to water. Fremontia 31, 34–38.
Moe, B., Botnen, A., 2000: Epiphytic vegetation on pollarded trunks of Fraxinus excelsior in four different habitats at Grinde, Leikanger, western Norway. Plant Ecology 151, 143– 159.
Myers, N., Mittermeier, R.A., Mittermeier, C.G., da Fonseca, G.A., Kent, J., 2000: Biodiversity hotspots for conservation priorities. Nature 403, 853–858.
Ódor, P., Király, I., Tinya, F., Bortignon, F., Nascimbene, J., 2013: Patterns and drivers of species composition of epiphytic bryophytes and lichens in managed temperate forests. For- est Ecology and Management 306, 256–265.
Özçağlar, A., Özgür, E.M., Somuncu, M., Bayar, R., Yılmaz, M., Yüceşahin, M.M., Yavan, N., Akpinar, N., Karadeniz, N., 2006: Land use decisions developed based on natural and human resources determination in Çamlıhemşin District. Coğrafi Bilimler Dergisi 4, 1–27 (in Turkish).
Ros, R.M., Mazimpaka, V., Abou-Salama, U., Alefi, M., Blockeel, T.L., Brugués, M., Cros, R.M., Dia, M.G., Dirkse, G.M., Draper, I., El-Saadawi, W., Erda, A., Ganeva, A., Gabriel, R., González-Mancebo, J.M., Granger, C., Herrnstadt, I., Hu- gonnot, V., Khalil, K., Kürschner, H., Losada-Lima, A., Luís, L., Mifsud, S., Privitera, M., Puglisi, M., Sabovljević, M., Sér- gio, C., Shabbara, H. M., Sim-Sim, M., Sotiaux, A., Tacchi, R., Vanderpoorten, A., Werner, O., 2013: Mosses of the Med- iterranean, an annotated checklist. Cryptogamie Bryologie 34, 99–283.
Satar, İ., Güneş, G., 2014: Turkey’s biodiversity hotspots. Tabiat ve İnsan 48, 22–34 (in Turkish).
Seaby, R., Henderson, P., 2007: Community Analysis Package 4.0: searching for structure in community data. PISCES Conservation Ltd., Lymington, UK.
Schofield, W.B., 2001: Introduction to Bryology. The Blackburn Press, New Jersey.
Tunçel, H., 1990: Avalanches as a natural environmental prob- lem and avalanche events in Turkey. Atatürk Culture, Language and History High Institution, Geography Science and Practice Branch. Coğrafya Araştırmaları Dergisi 1, 43–70 (in Turkish).