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As a result of a floristic survey carried out in riparian ecosystems of the south-eastern part of the Iberian Peninsula (Spain), the first report of well-established populations of the alien cultivated plant species Cucurbita moschata Duchesne for the Iberian Peninsula is provided here. Data about the morphological description (compared to other Cucurbita species), certain clarification aspects about the typification status of this name and related syno- nyms, and the ecological and climatic conditions of the riparian area are given together with an identification key of the Cucurbita species to facilitate further identification. The alien status and distribution of C. moschata together with its relatives C. ficifolia, C. pepo and C. maxima are reviewed for the Spanish references. This study outlines the first record of a naturalized population of C. moschata in Spain, well supported by the stability of the population over the years and in the ecological conditions. Finally, detailed ecological data indicate that agricultural activities together with riparian habitatsare starting points and corridors, respectively, for seed dispersal for the process of the invasion of alien plants in the south-eastern Iberian Peninsula.


alien plants Cucurbita Mediterranean riparian habitats Spain typification xenophyte

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Juan, A., Moreno, J., & Terrones, A. (2023). First record of alien naturalized populations of the crop Cucurbita moschata (Cucurbitaceae) in Spain, with remarks on typification status. Acta Botanica Croatica, 82(1), 27–33.


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