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Abstract - With the scarcity of healthy water, plants like tomatoes will be more susceptible to excess boron (EB) in Mediterranean regions. The effects of EB on the growth, free, semi-bound, and bound boron (B) concentrations, and macromolecules of Solanum lycopersicum L. cultivar Castle Rock were investigated in this study. Seedlings were exposed to four levels of EB using boric acid. The results manifested that EB inhibited tomato growth, total water content, and photosynthetic pigments. EB harmed membrane stability, as seen by increased potassium (K) leakage, UV absorbance metabolites, and electrolyte conductivity (EC) in leaf disc solution. EB raised B concentrations in free, semi-bound, and bound forms in seedlings. Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) data revealed that EB induced uneven wax deposition, altered the shape of cell walls, and lowered cellulose synthesis in seedlings. EB can bind to nitrogen amide and sugars, reducing protein synthesis. These results provide new insights into understanding the specific effects of EB on the functional groups of different macromolecules of tomato seedlings.
Article Details
Copyright (c) 2023 Afaf Hamada, A.A. Radi, H.Kh. Salam, F.A. Farghaly

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- Ardic, M., Sekmen, A.H., Tokur, S., Ozdemir, F., Turkan, I., 2009: Antioxidant responses of chickpea plants subjected to boron toxicity. Plant Biology 11, 328–338.
- Canteri, M.H., Renard, C.M., Le Bourvellec, C., Bureau, S., 2019: ATR-FTIR spectroscopy to determine cell wall composition: Application on a large diversity of fruits and vegetables. Car- bohydrate Polymers 212, 186–196.
- Cervilla, L.M., Blasco, B., Ríos, J.J., Rosales, M.A., Sánchez- Rodríguez, E., Rubio-Wilhelmi, M.M., Romero, L., Ruiz, J.M., 2012: Parameters symptomatic for boron toxicity in leaves of tomato plants. Journal of Botany 726206, 1–17.
- Choi, E.Y., Kolesik, P., Mcneill, A., Collins, H., Zhang, Q., Huynh, B., Graham, R., 2007: The mechanism of boron tolerance for maintenance of root growth in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Plant, Cell and Environment 30, 984–993.
- Dannel, F., Pfeffer, H., Romheld, V., 1998: Compartmentation of B in roots and leaves of sunflower as affected by B supply. Journal of Plant Physiology 153, 615–622.
- Du, C.W., Wang, Y.H., Xu, F.S., Yang, Y.H., Wang, H.Y., 2002: Study on the physiological mechanism of boron utilization efficiency in rape cultivars. Journal of Plant Nutrition 25, 231–244.
- Dumas, P., Miller, L., 2003: The use of synchrotron infrared microspectroscopy in biological and biomedical investigations. Vibrational Spectroscopy 32, 3–21.
- Dunbar, R.C., Steill, J.D., Polfer, N.C., Berden, G., Oomens, J., 2012: Peptide bond tautomerization induced by divalent metal ions: characterization of the iminol configuration. Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English 51, 4591–4593.
- Elbehiry, F., Elbasiouny, H., El-Henawy, A., 2017: Boron: spatial distribution in an area of North Nile Delta, Egypt. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 48, 294–306.
- El-Shazoly, R.M., Metwally, A.A., Hamada, A.M., 2019: Salicylic acid or thiamin increases tolerance to boron toxicity stress in wheat. Journal of Plant Nutrition 42, 702–722.
- Eraslan, F., Inal, A., Gunes, A., Alpaslan, M., 2007: Boron toxic- ity alters nitrate reductase activity, proline accumulation, membrane permeability, and mineral constituents of toma- to and pepper plants. Journal of Plant Nutrition 30, 981–994.
- Fang, K., Zhang, W., Xing, Y., Zhang, Q., Yang, I., Cao, Q., Qin, L., 2016: Boron toxicity causes multiple effects on Malus domestica pollen tube growth. Frontiers of Plant Science 7, 208.
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- Farghaly, F.A., Hamada, A.M., Radi, A.A., 2022a: Phyto-remedial of excessive copper and evaluation of its impact on the metabolic activity of Zea mays. Cereal Research Communi- cations 50, 973–985.
- Farghaly, F.A., Salam, H.Kh, Hamada, A.M., Radi, A.A., 2021: The role of benzoic acid, gallic acid and salicylic acid in protecting tomato callus cells from excessive boron stress. Sci- entia Horticulturae 278, 109867.
- Farghaly, F.A., Salam, H.Kh, Hamada, A.M., Radi, A.A., 2022b: Alleviating excess boron stress in tomato calli by applying benzoic acid to various biochemical strategies. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 182, 216–226.
- Grew, E.S., Bada, J.L., Hazen, R.M., 2011: Borate minerals and origin of the RNA world. Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres 41, 307–316.
- Kaya, C., Levent, Tuna, A.L., Dikilitas, M., Ashraf, M., Koskeroglu, S., Guneri, M., 2009: Supplementary phosphorus can alleviate boron toxicity in tomato. Scientia Horticulturae 121, 284– 288.
- Kaya, C., Sarıŏglu, A., Ashraf, M., Alyemeni, M.N., Parvaiz Ah- mad, P., 2020: Gibberellic acid-induced generation of hydrogen sulfide alleviates boron toxicity in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) plants. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 153, 53–63.
- Landi, M., Margaritopoulou, T., Papadakis, I.E., Araniti, F., 2019: Boron toxicity in higher plants: an update. Planta 250, 1011–1032.
- Legner, N., Meinen, C., Rauber, R., 2018: Root differentiation of agricultural plant cultivars and proveniences using FTIR spectroscopy. Frontiers of Plant Science 9, 748.
- Li, M., Zhao, Z., Zhang, Z., Zhang, W., Zhou, J., Xu, F., Liu, X., 2017: Effect of boron deficiency on anatomical structure and chemical composition of petioles and photosynthesis of leaves in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Scientific Reports 7, 4420.
- Lichtenthaler, H.K., 1987: Chlorophylls and carotenoids: pig- ments of photosynthetic biomembranes. Methods in Enzymology 148, 183–350.
- Liu, P., Yang, Y.A., 2000: Effects of molybdenum and boron on membrane lipid peroxidation and endogenous protective systems of soybean leaves. Acta Botanica Sinica 42, 461– 466.
- Mesquita, G.L., Zambrosi, F.C., Tanaka, F.A., Boaretto, R.M., Quaggio, J.A., Ribeiro, R.V., Jr. Mattos, D., 2016: Anatomical and physiological responses of citrus trees to varying boron availability are dependent on rootstock. Frontiers of Plant Science 7, 224.
- Metwally, A.M., El-Shazoly, R.M., Hamada, A.M., 2012. Effect of boron on growth criteria of some wheat cultivars. Journal of Biology and Earth Sciences 2, 1–9.
- Metwally, A.M., Radi, A.A., El-Shazoly, R.M., Hamada, A.M., 2018. The role of calcium, silicon and salicylic acid treatment in protection of canola plants against boron toxicity stress. Journal of Plant Research 131, 1015–1028.
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- Papadakis, I., Dimassi, K., Bosabalidis, A., Therios, I., Patakas, A., Giannakoula, A., 2004: Boron toxicity in ‘Clementine’ mandarin plants grafted on two rootstocks. Plant Science 166, 539–547.
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- Princi, M.P., Lupini, A., Araniti, F., Longo, C., Mauceri, A., Sunseri, F., Abenavoli, M.R., 2016: Boron toxicity and toler- ance in plants: Recent advances and future perspectives. In: Ahmad, P. (ed.), Plant Metal Interaction; 115–147. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Reid, R.J., Hayes, J.E., Post, J.C., Stangoulis, A., Graham, R.D., 2004: A critical analyses of the caises of boron toxicity in plants. Plant, Cell and Environment 25, 1405–1414.
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- Riaz, M., Kamran, M., El-Esawi, M., Hussain, S., Wang, X., 2021: Boron-toxicity induced changes in cell wall components, boron forms, and antioxidant defense system in rice seedlings. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 216, 112192.
- Sang, W., Huang, Z.R., Qi, Y.P., Yang, L.T., Guo, P., Chen, L.S., 2015: An investigation of boron-toxicity in leaves of two citrus species differing in boron-tolerance using comparative proteomics. Journal of Proteomics 123, 128–146.
- Scorei, R., 2012: Is boron a prebiotic element? A mini-review of the essentiality of boron for the appearance of life on earth. Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres 42, 3–17.
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- Wu, X.W., Muhammad, R., Yan, L., Du, C.Q., Liu, Y.L., Jiang, C.C., 2017: Boron deficiency in trifoliate orange induces changes in pectin composition and architecture of compo- nents in root cell walls. Frontiers of Plant Science 8, 1882.
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- Zuverza-Mena, N., Armendariz, R., Peralta-Videa, J.R., Gardea- Torresdey, J.L., 2016: Effects of silver nanoparticles on radish sprouts: root growth reduction and modifications in the nu- tritional value. Frontiers of Plant Science 7, 90.
Aftab, T., Khan, M.M., Naeem, M., Idrees, M., Moinuddin, A.S., Teixeira da Silva, J.A., Ram, M., 2012: Exogenous nitric oxide donor protects Artemisia annua from oxidative stress generated by boron and aluminum toxicity. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 80, 60–68.
Ardic, M., Sekmen, A.H., Tokur, S., Ozdemir, F., Turkan, I., 2009: Antioxidant responses of chickpea plants subjected to boron toxicity. Plant Biology 11, 328–338.
Canteri, M.H., Renard, C.M., Le Bourvellec, C., Bureau, S., 2019: ATR-FTIR spectroscopy to determine cell wall composition: Application on a large diversity of fruits and vegetables. Car- bohydrate Polymers 212, 186–196.
Cervilla, L.M., Blasco, B., Ríos, J.J., Rosales, M.A., Sánchez- Rodríguez, E., Rubio-Wilhelmi, M.M., Romero, L., Ruiz, J.M., 2012: Parameters symptomatic for boron toxicity in leaves of tomato plants. Journal of Botany 726206, 1–17.
Choi, E.Y., Kolesik, P., Mcneill, A., Collins, H., Zhang, Q., Huynh, B., Graham, R., 2007: The mechanism of boron tolerance for maintenance of root growth in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Plant, Cell and Environment 30, 984–993.
Dannel, F., Pfeffer, H., Romheld, V., 1998: Compartmentation of B in roots and leaves of sunflower as affected by B supply. Journal of Plant Physiology 153, 615–622.
Du, C.W., Wang, Y.H., Xu, F.S., Yang, Y.H., Wang, H.Y., 2002: Study on the physiological mechanism of boron utilization efficiency in rape cultivars. Journal of Plant Nutrition 25, 231–244.
Dumas, P., Miller, L., 2003: The use of synchrotron infrared microspectroscopy in biological and biomedical investigations. Vibrational Spectroscopy 32, 3–21.
Dunbar, R.C., Steill, J.D., Polfer, N.C., Berden, G., Oomens, J., 2012: Peptide bond tautomerization induced by divalent metal ions: characterization of the iminol configuration. Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English 51, 4591–4593.
Elbehiry, F., Elbasiouny, H., El-Henawy, A., 2017: Boron: spatial distribution in an area of North Nile Delta, Egypt. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 48, 294–306.
El-Shazoly, R.M., Metwally, A.A., Hamada, A.M., 2019: Salicylic acid or thiamin increases tolerance to boron toxicity stress in wheat. Journal of Plant Nutrition 42, 702–722.
Eraslan, F., Inal, A., Gunes, A., Alpaslan, M., 2007: Boron toxic- ity alters nitrate reductase activity, proline accumulation, membrane permeability, and mineral constituents of toma- to and pepper plants. Journal of Plant Nutrition 30, 981–994.
Fang, K., Zhang, W., Xing, Y., Zhang, Q., Yang, I., Cao, Q., Qin, L., 2016: Boron toxicity causes multiple effects on Malus domestica pollen tube growth. Frontiers of Plant Science 7, 208.
FAOSTAT, 2017: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). FAOSTAT Database. Retrieved from
Farghaly, F.A., Hamada, A.M., Radi, A.A., 2022a: Phyto-remedial of excessive copper and evaluation of its impact on the metabolic activity of Zea mays. Cereal Research Communi- cations 50, 973–985.
Farghaly, F.A., Salam, H.Kh, Hamada, A.M., Radi, A.A., 2021: The role of benzoic acid, gallic acid and salicylic acid in protecting tomato callus cells from excessive boron stress. Sci- entia Horticulturae 278, 109867.
Farghaly, F.A., Salam, H.Kh, Hamada, A.M., Radi, A.A., 2022b: Alleviating excess boron stress in tomato calli by applying benzoic acid to various biochemical strategies. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 182, 216–226.
Grew, E.S., Bada, J.L., Hazen, R.M., 2011: Borate minerals and origin of the RNA world. Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres 41, 307–316.
Kaya, C., Levent, Tuna, A.L., Dikilitas, M., Ashraf, M., Koskeroglu, S., Guneri, M., 2009: Supplementary phosphorus can alleviate boron toxicity in tomato. Scientia Horticulturae 121, 284– 288.
Kaya, C., Sarıŏglu, A., Ashraf, M., Alyemeni, M.N., Parvaiz Ah- mad, P., 2020: Gibberellic acid-induced generation of hydrogen sulfide alleviates boron toxicity in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) plants. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 153, 53–63.
Landi, M., Margaritopoulou, T., Papadakis, I.E., Araniti, F., 2019: Boron toxicity in higher plants: an update. Planta 250, 1011–1032.
Legner, N., Meinen, C., Rauber, R., 2018: Root differentiation of agricultural plant cultivars and proveniences using FTIR spectroscopy. Frontiers of Plant Science 9, 748.
Li, M., Zhao, Z., Zhang, Z., Zhang, W., Zhou, J., Xu, F., Liu, X., 2017: Effect of boron deficiency on anatomical structure and chemical composition of petioles and photosynthesis of leaves in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Scientific Reports 7, 4420.
Lichtenthaler, H.K., 1987: Chlorophylls and carotenoids: pig- ments of photosynthetic biomembranes. Methods in Enzymology 148, 183–350.
Liu, P., Yang, Y.A., 2000: Effects of molybdenum and boron on membrane lipid peroxidation and endogenous protective systems of soybean leaves. Acta Botanica Sinica 42, 461– 466.
Mesquita, G.L., Zambrosi, F.C., Tanaka, F.A., Boaretto, R.M., Quaggio, J.A., Ribeiro, R.V., Jr. Mattos, D., 2016: Anatomical and physiological responses of citrus trees to varying boron availability are dependent on rootstock. Frontiers of Plant Science 7, 224.
Metwally, A.M., El-Shazoly, R.M., Hamada, A.M., 2012. Effect of boron on growth criteria of some wheat cultivars. Journal of Biology and Earth Sciences 2, 1–9.
Metwally, A.M., Radi, A.A., El-Shazoly, R.M., Hamada, A.M., 2018. The role of calcium, silicon and salicylic acid treatment in protection of canola plants against boron toxicity stress. Journal of Plant Research 131, 1015–1028.
Mohan, T.C., Jones, A.M., 2018: Determination of boron content using a simple and rapid miniaturized curcumin assay. Bio-Protocol 8, e2703.
Morales, M.I., Rico, C.M., Hernandez-Viezcas, J.A., Nunez, J.E., Barrios, A.C., Tafoya, A., Flores-Marges, J.P., Peralta-Videa, J.R., Gardea-Torresdey, J.L., 2013: Toxicity assessment of cerium oxide nanoparticles in cilantro (Coriandrum sativum L.) plants grown in organic soil. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 61, 6224–6230.
Murashige, T., Skoog, F., 1962: A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures. Physiologia Plantarum 15, 473–497.
Navari-Izzo, F., Quartacci, M.F., Melfi, D., Izzo, R., 1993: Lipid composition of plasma membranes isolated from sunflower seedlings grown under water-stress. Physiologia Plantarum 87, 508–514.
Navari-Izzo, F., Izzo, R., Quartacci, M.F., Lorenzini, G., 1989: Growth and solute leakage in Hordeum vulgare exposed to long-term fumigation with low concentration of CO2. Phys- iologia Plantarum 76, 445–450.
Palta, J.P., Levitt, J., Stadelmann, E.J., 1977: Freezing injury in onion bulb cells. I. Evaluation of the conductivity method and analysis of ion and sugar efflux from injured cells. Plant Physiology 60, 393–397.
Papadakis, I., Dimassi, K., Bosabalidis, A., Therios, I., Patakas, A., Giannakoula, A., 2004: Boron toxicity in ‘Clementine’ mandarin plants grafted on two rootstocks. Plant Science 166, 539–547.
Premachandra, G.S., Saneoka, A.H., Fujta, K., Ogata, S., 1992: Leaf water relations, osmotic adjustment, cell membrane stability, epicuticular wax load and growth as affected by increasing water deficits in sorghum. Journal of Experimental Botany 43, 1569–1576.
Princi, M.P., Lupini, A., Araniti, F., Longo, C., Mauceri, A., Sunseri, F., Abenavoli, M.R., 2016: Boron toxicity and toler- ance in plants: Recent advances and future perspectives. In: Ahmad, P. (ed.), Plant Metal Interaction; 115–147. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Reid, R.J., Hayes, J.E., Post, J.C., Stangoulis, A., Graham, R.D., 2004: A critical analyses of the caises of boron toxicity in plants. Plant, Cell and Environment 25, 1405–1414.
Renuka, B., Sanjeev, B., Ranganathan, D., 2016: Evaluation of phytoconstituents of Caralluma nilagirina by FTIR and UV-Vis spectroscopic analysis. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 5, 105–108.
Riaz, M., Kamran, M., El-Esawi, M., Hussain, S., Wang, X., 2021: Boron-toxicity induced changes in cell wall components, boron forms, and antioxidant defense system in rice seedlings. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 216, 112192.
Sang, W., Huang, Z.R., Qi, Y.P., Yang, L.T., Guo, P., Chen, L.S., 2015: An investigation of boron-toxicity in leaves of two citrus species differing in boron-tolerance using comparative proteomics. Journal of Proteomics 123, 128–146.
Scorei, R., 2012: Is boron a prebiotic element? A mini-review of the essentiality of boron for the appearance of life on earth. Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres 42, 3–17.
Türker-Kaya, S., Huck, C.W., 2017: A review of mid-infrared and near-infrared imaging: principles, concepts and applications in plant tissue analysis. Molecules 22, 168.
Wei, Z., Jiao, D., Xu, J., 2015: Using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy to study effects of magnetic field treatment on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings. Journal of Spectroscopy 570190, 1–6.
Wiercigroch, E., Szafraniec, E., Czamara, K., Pacia, M.Z., Majzner, K., Kochan, K., Kaczor, A., Baranska, M., Malek, K., 2017: Raman and infrared spectroscopy of carbohydrates: A review. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Bio- molecular Spectroscopy 185, 317–335.
Williams, C.H., Twine, J.R., 1960: Flame photometric method for sodium, potassium and calcium. In: Peach K., Tracey M.V. (eds.), Modern methods of plant analysis, vol 5, 3–5. Springer, Berlin.
Wu, X.W., Muhammad, R., Yan, L., Du, C.Q., Liu, Y.L., Jiang, C.C., 2017: Boron deficiency in trifoliate orange induces changes in pectin composition and architecture of compo- nents in root cell walls. Frontiers of Plant Science 8, 1882.
Zhao, J., Wang, J., 2016: Uncovering the sensitivity of amide-II vibration to peptide-ion interactions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 120, 9590–9608.
Zuverza-Mena, N., Armendariz, R., Peralta-Videa, J.R., Gardea- Torresdey, J.L., 2016: Effects of silver nanoparticles on radish sprouts: root growth reduction and modifications in the nu- tritional value. Frontiers of Plant Science 7, 90.